麻豆大地藝術季 專書
現地: 變動地景中的台南總爺
In Situ: Shifting Site at Tsung-Yeh, Tainan
2019. 2
就當我們發覺日子漸漸由日常生活成了一段段不盡連續的記憶片段時,對於有歷史空間究竟該懷抱著是期待還是恐懼 ? 害怕從中映照不到自己,因為過往似乎凝視著我們,而我們的遺忘正記憶著當下,該如何期待未來被遺忘的自己 ? 由此,我們邀請不同領域的創作者,透過各自的專業與經驗,帶領地方民眾進行踏查、採集與工作坊,嘗試於史憶及現況的包袱中, 找尋脈絡中的價值,沉默的環境與遺構可能比話語表達更多訊息,進而在已逝的事件與民眾之中引出希望的火花。
As our everyday life becomes a discontinued fragments nowadays, how can we situate the historical spaces among our fears, expectations and negligences? As we keep forgetting ourselves, we cannot see our own reflections as the past stares back at us. How can we remember the self that is in the process of forgetting as the day goes by? We invite cross-disciplinary fertilization and practices. The interstitial lands sit between memory and reality in our search for anchors in values. Silence and emptiness may contain more information than utterance. The meeting of by-gone era and current world may sparkle more inspirations for people to inhabit a place.